
Classes (3) Events (1) Intro (1) medicine cards (1) meditation (1) oracle cards (1) oracles (1) pouches (1) Readings (1) scrying (1) staves (1) tarot (1) Wands (1)

Sunday, July 19, 2015

CUUPS class July 18, 2015

Ran my creating magical objects class for Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Raleigh (UUFR) 3313 Wade Ave. Raleigh, NC 27607 sponsored by Fellowship Of The Oak on July 18, 2015.  Met a few folks from the TAPA triangle area pagan alliance as well.  Thanks for allowing me to do this and hope everyone had fun

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Creating magical objects

Making magical object can be a really fun class.   Depending on what the individual or the group wants this could be a class on how to make magical pouches, wands, or staves.  

Using Oracles classes

This series of classes was created first to give people and intro to all types of oracles and how they have been used through the ages, as well as basic uses through more advanced courses teach the skills behind some of the more popular types.  I have over 50 different decks, some I just have for the artwork but many I use to read from.

Introduction to oracles in a magical life:  
This class is the generic two-three hour class that introduces the students to all the oracle types I have studied and provides people a hands on experience with some of them and an overview.    I discuss everything from Fire/water/smoke/etc scrying, oracles with less prep like sticks/stones/i Ching/bones/palmistry as well as tarot/medicine/oracle cards.     I also add in a couple basic and more commonly used spreads for cards.  There are many oracles I personally do not have a lot of experience with.  Those that I do I offer more advanced follow-up classes.   This class focuses on the concept that it is not the tool but the ability for the reader to connect with what they see as their divine connection.

Medicine style and animal oracle cards: 
This class focuses on animal oracles and teaches how to use these cards and the different layouts used.   This is the class of oracles I use the most when reading for other people and even myself.   I use several different decks but focus primarily around the shapeshifter tarot and the medicine cards.   

This class will do use on some of the most common tools of tarot from symbology, numerology, color, and the meanings of the cards and positions.  The primary deck I use in this category is called the quest, though I have a new one I am breaking in called the night sun.  

This class will focus on the variety of scrying concepts.  Fire, water, smoke, black mirrors, etc.   The concepts and methods behind each type of scrying.  

Meditation classes


Meditation was something I started when I was around 14, and was part of my martial arts that I was doing at the time.   I learned as a basis a form of zen meditation, or and empty mind meditation school.   I have over the years spent time with other schools of empty and filled mind mediation.

Empty vs Full:

What is the difference?   

Well in an empty mind practice you work to clear your mind of daily distractions.   Some practices call this the monkey mind.   It's the worries of the day: did I turn off the stove, lock the house, this conversation I had with my boss did it go well, did I lose my job, etc.    attempting to achieve the stillness between breaths, a point where there is no thought just simple existence.

With a full mind meditation you are concentrating on a concept or sound to the exclusion of everything else.   Could be a drum, a singing bowl, spoken word, etc.   you concentrate on that until you achieve the same stillness that is sought after in empty mind meditation.

So the goals are the same but the practice can be unique to you.   It's got to work for you, and not everyone is cut out for every possible type of meditation out there.  I for one find listening to a guided meditation to be the most irritating experience.  I lead them for others, but I myself can't find the stillness or purpose when participating.   I do recommend the introduction class and at least one of the intermediates prior to the advanced class, for intermediate classes I recommend taking the intro first just so you have the building blocks.  


Introduction to meditation as a practice:    For this class I talk about why you would want to do meditation.   Is it for relaxation, relieve stress, or for a magical practice.   I explain some of the different type of mediation and then lead the participants through their first guided meditation.   I use a concentrate on breath as the basis.

Intermediate - meditation as a magical practice:       For this class I build on the intro class and work on two guided meditations the first to build the inner temple.  The second to understand what meditation can do for your magical practice.    I also spend some time discussing best uses and how to maximize your practice and meditation.

Intermediate - meditation as a health benefit:     For this class I focus on using meditation as a way to achieve stress relief in 5 minutes or less.   The led meditation is 15 minutes and is based off of the intro class meditation.   This class will cover how to make your practice time compressed so you can use this in a crowded workplace for a more in the moment release of stress with no one the wiser, as well as longer version for clearing up the stress of the day.

Intermediate - moving meditation practices:     This class focuses on meditation while you do every day chores.   This is based on zen practices and a Japanese concept that is roughly translated to 'the moonlit path'.  So martial arts katas, gardening, walking, running, are all practices where with the right mind preparation you can enter a state of increased focus on the activity on hand.  

Advanced - meditation and everyday life:    This class builds on all the previous classes and brings everything to a finished state where meditation will not be something you think about doing, but will start to be as natural as breathing.   Did you know with enough practice a simple 3 breath exercise is all you need to release the stress of the day?   For magical preparations a simple breath or two and you enter the higher states.   For martial artists, a breath or two and you enter a state of awareness and focus that allows more situational awareness.


After walking my path for a little over 30 years, I have been convinced recently that perhaps I need to share more of what and who I am.     I wanted to start this blog for a couple of reasons.

The first is to lend support to those pagans who don't feel that they fit in any of the molds currently held to within the pagan community.  

Second I do teach classes.   I prefer in person learning and haven't tried my hand at too many telepresence classes but would be willing to give it a whirl if I find people who are interested.

Third since I recently decided to step out of the shadows in other parts of my life figured it wouldn't hurt to see how I could reach people on this topic as well.

So who am I?   I walk a path that truly has no name.   Some aspects of my path do resemble shamanism, animism, and even some old folk magic paths.  But in truth I don't fit into any of these paths completely.   I have not wanted to change my path just to fit into what others concepts of my path should be since I first realized I had a path that was not the Roman Catholic I was raised.  

What are my beliefs?   Simply put everything from flora, fauna, and down to the rocks we walk on, the air molecules we breath in, and even the rays of the sun that we feel on our body has a soul.   We can communicate with these aspects on a higher level as an archetype (to borrow a concept from psychology) and at a lower level as an individual entity.   I personally do not believe in the divine in any form.  No god(s), goddess(es), mother Gaia, none of those concepts work for me.  I do understand them as they have been explained to me by my friends who believe in them as well as books I've read, and can even integrate the concepts into how I see the world.   I just don't see them personally as part of my path.   I paradoxically do see the universe, planet, and some places themselves as living breathing entities, but not as divine.   They may be bigger physical entities then ourselves, but it is no more or no less then we are or than the air that we breathe.

What do I do for my pagan community? For years I did nothing.  I tried to fit in and pretend what I was; just to have a group around me and people I could rely on.   Now I have decided to just be myself and what I offer and can give to the community and not try to be everything for everyone.    I did teach classes and skills for a number of years but walked away from that for almost a decade when I moved to NC.  I am now ready again to work with the community and bring my teaching and my readings back to my new community in NC.

With this blog I hope to be able to do more.    I will be posting classes that I teach, services I offer, and some resources I find useful and I hope that something I do helps others out there as well.